1Then the
whole company of them arose and brought him before Pilate. 2 And they began to accuse him, saying, “We found
this man misleading our nation and forbidding us to give tribute to Caesar, and
saying that he himself is Christ, a king.” 3 And
Pilate asked him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” And he answered him, “You
have said so.” 4 Then
Pilate said to the chief priests and the crowds, “I find no guilt in this man.”
With evil intent, the chief priests brought Jesus to
Pilate for the purpose of getting rid of Jesus through the hands of foreigners
with the best judicial system of the time.
Israel’s chief priests were supposed to serve God. In the time of Moses, God himself gave vivid
commands regarding the ordination and tasks of priests. From Exodus 28 throughout God ordered Moses
to prepare for priests so they would serve the Lord. Ever since Aaron’s and his sons’ ordination
as God’s priests, Israel always had priests who served the Lord. Their main duty was to attend to the house of
the Lord. They were to mediate between
Israel and God. When people brought
offerings to the Lord, priests were the ministers who would perform the
religious duties and rituals to bring the offerings to God. Priests were God’s servant as the Law
ordained. Sadly, Luke recorded the
rebellion of the priests against
their own God. In fact, all four gospels recorded the priests’ unauthorized use of their power and authority to accuse the very God they were supposed to serve. In our passage above, the chief priests accused Jesus of subversive activity against the Romans Empire. This accusation was devised by the chief priests so that they could make a case for the trial of Jesus by the governor of Judah.
their own God. In fact, all four gospels recorded the priests’ unauthorized use of their power and authority to accuse the very God they were supposed to serve. In our passage above, the chief priests accused Jesus of subversive activity against the Romans Empire. This accusation was devised by the chief priests so that they could make a case for the trial of Jesus by the governor of Judah.
They brought before Pilate three
accusations: 1) that Jesus misled their nation, 2) that Jesus forbade people
paying tribute to Caesar, and 3) that Jesus claimed that he was the Christ, a
king. Pilate did not pay attention to the
first two accusations. He knew right
away that those two accusations were without basis. In his service as governor, he had experience with
people leading rebellion and misleading the nation. He knew a rebel’s profile and demeanor by taking
a glance at him. Jesus’ profile did not fit
a rebel’s characteristics. Jesus was humble
and gentle. He spoke with elegance and full
of grace. For sure, Jesus could never be
a rebel or a person who would mislead a nation. And, in any case, it would be absurd for such a
gentle and humble person like Jesus to stir people up and forbade them to pay tribute
to Caesar. Even in that time, Pilate had
spies all over Jerusalem. He would know if
anyone attempting to create problem, especially those who ordered people not to
pay tribute to Caesar. Pilate never heard
of Jesus forbidding others to pay tribute to Caesar. On contrary, it was possible for Pilate to have
heard that Jesus actually told others to “give
back to Caesar what is Caesar’s” (Luke 20:25) when the chief priests attempted
to trap Jesus.
So, only one accusation remained valid.
This third accusation was also the most important
accusation for Pilate to consider. Anyone
who declared himself as king must be carefully investigated by the government officials
in order to protect Caesar’s position as the ruler of the Romans Empire. Any indication of subversion would require the
government to use all means necessary to subdue the subversive act. Pilate jumped right away to the third accusation,
because this was the most reasonable, given Jesus’ profile, and the most dangerous
at the same time. In the conversation and
also by hearing the rumors regarding Jesus, Pilate was impressed with Jesus. Jesus spoke like a true king. Only one interrogative question Pilate asked to
Jesus: “Are you the King of the Jews?”
To that question Jesus answered: “You have said so.” With that short interrogation, Pilate concluded
that Jesus was innocent. Jesus did not break
any law. He also did not attempt to launch
a coup d’etat. For Pilate, Jesus’ acknowledgment of his kingship
posed no threat to Caesar’s sovereignty. Certainly Jesus did not appear to be someone who
would threaten Caesar’s political rule whatsoever. Pilate was not mistaken when he declared Jesus’
The normal expectation after Pilate’s
declaration was that the case was dismissed. But the governor’s judgment was challenged by the
chief priests. They could not accept Pilate’s
rule. So they complained. In verse 5 they said: “5 But they
were urgent, saying, “He stirs up the people, teaching throughout all Judea,
from Galilee even to this place.” Their complaint could not even be considered appeal-worthy.
The case should have been dismissed right
there and then. But as we know the story
did not end in the case being dismissed. But following the chief priests’ appeal, Pilate
then sent Jesus to Herod, who later returned Jesus to Pilate to be sentenced by
crucifixion for no crime at all. Clearly
the judicial system was broken and corrupted, and that was the best system that
human created which was available on the surface of the earth. Jesus was sentenced to death even after he was
found not guilty. Just because of the demand
of the people that Pilate gave the sentence. Pilate satisfied the mob, but not justice.
Today, many people slip into the same
mode. As Jesus at that time standing on the
truth and nobody could prove that he was guilty, similarly today, God was sentenced
to be non-existence by the world even though God stands on the truth and nobody
could prove his non-existence. Jesus was
not given a fair trial at all. He was accused
unfairly. The state did not and could not
produce any evidence pertaining to the accusation. All Jesus said was just “You have said so.” And by that
answer, Pilate already ruled that he was innocent. Yet, in the end he was sentenced with a death sentence.
In our modern world today, God is also not
given a fair trial. Some people bring a case
against God and accuse God to be non-existent. But they do not and could not produce any evidence
to support their accusation whatsoever. In
fact, by their very inability to produce evidence and plausible reasoning of God’s
non-existence, God cannot be found guilty in any term. He is innocent. Yet, many people have sentenced God with a death
sentence. They declare that “There is no
Their case should be dismissed already
from the beginning. When they are unable
to produce any plausible reasoning and evidence of God’s non-existence, the case
should have been dismissed. Their accusation
is as false as the chief priests’ accusation toward Jesus before Pilate. When Pilate asked Jesus whether he was king, Jesus’
answer was enough for the dismissal of the case. The world asks God to prove his existence, and
he declares through his word that he does. His answer is enough for the dismissal of the case.
But yet, the case is not dismissed, just
like the case that the chief priests brought before Pilate. The case continues to be entertained even though
it has no ground. The chief priests were
determined to keep the case open and so they continued to pressure Pilate. Their heart was hardened. All they wanted was to get rid of Jesus. Because Jesus was a threat to them. In the same way, these people’s heart is hardened.
All they wanted is to get rid of God. For God is a threat to them. Without God, they could do whatever they want.
Fyodor Dostoevsky said: “If God doesn’t exist,
then everything is permitted.” This is exactly
what they want. They want the world without God policing the moral and ethical domain. For Immanuel Kant, in order for the moral and ethical
world to exist, a God is necessary. Without
God, there is no morality and ethics. These
people then proceed by killing God. First
they kill God in their hearts. Then they
kill God in other people’s belief, faith, and mind. They cannot actually kill God. But all they can do is to make people believe that
God doesn’t exist. For these people God doesn’t
exist. In their belief system, God’s non-existence
is necessary. For if God doesn’t exist, they
can do whatever they want. There is no moral
system. There is no ethical requirements.
All is permissible. Their wildness cannot survive if God continues
to exist. So they have to kill God in their
system. But again, they cannot actually kill
God. All they do is deceive themselves
of God’s non-existence.
Intelligent atheists wouldn’t claim that
“there is no God.” For such claim one must
bear the burden of proof to produce evidence of God’s non-existence. Any attempt to produce that kind of evidence is
futile. The intelligent atheists simply say
that they do not believe that God exists. By saying that they do not believe in God’s existence,
they shift the burden of proof to those who believe that God exists. Now the believers of God’s existence bear the burden
to produce evidence or plausible reasoning that God exists. In any case, what the atheists are doing is ignoring
the overwhelming evidence of God’s existence. Similar to the chief priests denying the overwhelming
evidence of Jesus’ divinity and Messianic signs just because they did not want to
acknowledge that Jesus was God himself. By
ignoring the overwhelming and undeniable evidence, both the chief priests and the
atheists pervert justice. They did not give
Jesus, God, a fair trial. They proceeded
with their agendas and pushed for the elimination of God from the memory of man.
They think that by eliminating God from their
memory, they would wipe God out. They are
mistaken. The chief priests were mistaken.
They thought that if Jesus was eliminated,
then they would be safe. The fact of the
matter was they could not get rid of Jesus. On the third day Jesus rose again. And this time, no power on earth could bind Jesus.
In the same way, the atheists think that
if God is eliminated from memory, then they would be safe. One day they will be judged. When that time comes, they are not the judge. But God is. And God will judge whether they may pass or be
denied for eternity.
The chief priests were supposed to minister
before the Lord. But instead, they tried
to kill their own master. They wanted to
be their own master. So when their true master
came down to earth, they felt threatened. Humans were created by God to serve him alone.
But many people love being the master of
the world. So when the true master of the
world reveals his existence, they reject the revelation. For acknowledging the revelation means that they
are no master. Since the revelation is undeniable,
all they can do is lie to themselves. They
lie that they are not created by God. They
lie that they exist by themselves through the nature. They lie that they are obligated only to themselves.
Perjury is a crime. It is punishable by the Law. The case should have been dismissed a long time
ago. But unfortunately, humans are prone
to embrace lies. Jesus came to the world
bringing the truth, so that those who love the truth would embrace him. He himself is the truth. The chief priests denied Jesus, for they did not
love the truth. The world denies God, for
they also do not love the truth.
37 Then
Pilate said to him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a
king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the
world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my
voice.” ” 38 Pilate said to
him, “What is truth?” (John 18:37-38)
case would have been dismissed had Pilate was of the truth. But Pilate was not of the truth. As it was clearly reflected in his question, he
did not know what truth is.
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