18 For truly,
I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will
pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of
these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in
the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called
great in the kingdom of heaven.
The temptation to compromise the word of God is not
something new. It has been in the
history of humankind since the beginning.
Two thousand years ago at the time of Jesus, people too compromised
God’s word. So Jesus gave a stern
warning to his audience at that time that the Law of God will not pass away
until all is accomplished. Not even an
iota will pass away. The heaven and the
earth will pass away but not the word of God.
As this was true then, this is also true now. The teachers of that day was given a warning
by Jesus that whoever compromised
the commandments of God, even the least one, would be called least in the kingdom of heaven. This is a very serious warning. Jesus’ intention is clear that he did not want anyone to compromise God’s word, not even a little. But today we can find myriads of ways Christians attempt to relax God’s Law. The basis for compromising God’s Law today is through science.
the commandments of God, even the least one, would be called least in the kingdom of heaven. This is a very serious warning. Jesus’ intention is clear that he did not want anyone to compromise God’s word, not even a little. But today we can find myriads of ways Christians attempt to relax God’s Law. The basis for compromising God’s Law today is through science.
Since the rise of science a few hundred years ago, human
life has been slowly taken over by scientific conclusions. Gradually our humanity is being redefined
through scientific perspective. While we
do benefit from science and its application in technology, a dangerous tendency
is beginning to overshadow its benefit.
Human identity has been completely challenged by scientific
research. In the past we acknowledged
our dignified origin and glorious value.
Pre scientific era, we recognized ourselves as divine. Every religion in the planet affirmed human
connection to the celestial beings.
Every folk story and legend always tied our glory with that of the
divine. But when science became the
alternative to human way of life, our identity has been redefined. Science concludes that humans are animals
with a slight advantage. Science names
humans as rational animal. From divinity
humans have fallen to the position in the animal kingdom. Slowly but sure, our way of thinking is also
being dictated by observing the way animals live, socialize, etc. in order to
figure out who and what humans are. Darwinism
even dared to argue that the track of human origin followed the gradual
evolution of animals from the simplest cell.
They say that we have evolved from apes.
Many people bought this belief and accepted it by faith that humans are
product of evolution. Thence began the
process of the reinvention of the wheel of human identity. In order to get such belief to be accepted
completely the old view must be demolished.
The idea that humans have the dignity of the divine must be thrown out
of the kettle. Science minded people
call human divinity to be mythical and outdated.
The basic foundation of science lies in its observation
of nature. The heaven and the earth that
Jesus said will pass away is the main platform of every scientific finding and
conclusion. While there are many
findings discover truths and produce great benefits for human life, there are
many findings that neither correspond to the truth nor produce
spiritual/moral/ethical benefits to human life.
In fact it is to the shame of scientists that attempt to use science
beyond its limitation to speak to areas of human life that even the most
advanced science can’t explain. Many
people have forced science to inform our morality and ethical sense only to
excuse human sinful indulgence and wicked tendency. The hottest issue today is the issue that
pertains to human sexuality. People with
blind love of science have been using science to explain the polygamy is the
norm of most living being on earth. And
thus through such finding they coined the idea that monogamy in the human world
is actually abnormal according to science.
They claim that only about 3% of animal kinds that actually practice
monogamy. The rest are polygamists. Therefore, according to the heaven and earth,
which is the main platform of science, humans ought to be polygamists also. Monogamy is now being challenged to be
something that is unnatural. God’s word
in Genesis that provides the basis of monogamy is rejected by human scientific
finding that is based on the fallen world.
Another issue that is bigger than the issue of monogamy
vs polygamy is the issue of homosexuality.
With heavy reliance on research on human gene, science advocates that
homosexuality is natural. This belief is
based on the observation that the homosexual gene is found. Since it exists in human body then homosexual
condition is not a mere psychological reality.
With the publication of the finding of the homosexual gene,
homosexuality ceased to be a perverted imagination, but it has become a viable
lifestyle option. Homosexuality is now
rendered to be normal. What was always
believed to be perversion of humanity is now considered natural tendency. Observation of heaven and earth becomes the
sole method of establishing truths and producing rules of life. Moral, ethical, religious, and spiritual life
is under heavy attack. Science is
gaining ground in the battle of human life.
What was then considered to be shameful is now elevated to the position
of glory. In the past ten years so many
people finally dared to come out and admitted that they were gay. What was then considered to be wrong is now
honored as another way of life. God’s
word in Genesis, Leviticus, Romans about the perversion of homosexual conducts
is now replaced by the new scientific finding that is based on the fallen and
sinful world.
Unfortunately, during the heavy bombardment by science,
the defense of Christian faith takes heavy casualties. Many Christian leaders and their followers
become timid shaken by the intense attack. Over time they started compromising God’s word.
They began to adjust the eternal word of
God into agreeing with the temporary conclusion of the knowledge of the fallen world.
And so they redefine the entire truth of
God in order to serve their fear of not fitting in with the world dictated by science.
In the context of homosexuality, many then
spoke out of fear agreeing with the practice of homosexuality. Some even went too far so as to insult God himself
in the name of love. Gradually they shifted
their allegiance, from God to that of the world. No longer do they serve God, even though they still
use the Holy Scripture, but instead they serve science.
Jesus said clearly that whoever relaxes God’s commandments
and teaches others to do the same will then be called the least in the kingdom.
These people exalt the world that is passing
away over the eternal word of God that will never pass away. It is amazing to see how blind these people are
to the truth. For the truth is actually clear
to them, but yet they overlook it. Fear can
change people. Fear that their life will
not be accepted by the world where they live. Don’t they remember that we are not of this world.
We are sent to the world. Our Master did not fear speaking the truth of the
eternal word of God even though the consequence was rejection by the world. They call themselves Christians, but yet they do
not exhibit the life of Christ. Instead of
being transformed by the renewing of their minds in Christ Jesus they have conformed
their hearts and minds into the pattern of the world. They have become so attached to the world where
they live and so abandon their identity with Christ. They identify themselves with the world and stand
in opposition to God. Science has infiltrated
into Christianity and corrupted many.
Some Christian leaders in their timidity and confusion propose
to redefine our theology that has been handed down to us since Adam, Abel, Seth,
Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, the prophets, Jesus Christ, and all the
apostles, with all the Church fathers, according to science. These people are making a great mistake. By doing so they have compromised God’s word. Worse, they are proposing to replace the eternal
truth with the temporary knowledge of the fallen world. They got it upside down and backward. They have forgotten Jesus’ word that the heaven
and earth will pass away but his words will never pass away. Paul is right to say that 22 Although
they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the
glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and
birds and animals and reptiles.
(Romans 1:22-23). In their stupidity they exchange the eternal glory
of God with things that will pass away. They
are infatuated with the new method of knowledge production that they found in science
and thus abhorred the wisdom of the Creator of the universe. And so, they are leading the next generation to
embrace and believe what is not God. If Christian
leaders have shifted their allegiance to science, then what is the difference between
the church and public school? They have acted
as if God is obsolete. Their god is science.
With their leading, their followers can’t
find God, for their teaching is all about the world. They have been corrupted by science.
Ivan Illich is right to propose the deschooling
of society. School has been effectively employed
to carry this new religion. Science has become
the god in every school. The strongest force
in the school curriculum today is science. It is as if without science our life has become
meaningless. The world rewards achievement
in science. And so schools too reward students
who excel in science. Every child in the
world who goes through school somehow has been effectively infiltrated by science.
To some extent school has become the agent
of science. Corruption by science starts
when a child sets its foot in school. The
corruption begins when a child opens the textbook for the first time. This is why Christian education is extremely important.
An integrated curriculum that cultivates
the word of God at the center and in every stream of discipline is a must in order
to battle the corruption. Without proper
Christian education, the entire generation of man will be corrupted mind and soul.
The end result would be the enslavement of
the entire humanity under the new regime, science. No! This
should not happen! The heaven and the earth
will pass away, but the word of God will never pass away. This calls for all Christian educators to be courageous
to do and teach the word of God without compromise. Jesus did it. All the saints did it. We too must do it. It is important to understand that science is not
the way of life. Jesus is! Raising the next generation of God’s children without
the word of God is a complete joke. Thus
Christian education in every domain of the child’s life becomes mandatory. The informal Christian education at home, the non-formal
Christian education in the church, and the formal Christian education in school
must work together in order to educate the whole person according to the will of
God. Without God’s word at the center and
flowing in every stream of discipline, our children would not effectively be educated
and raised to become Christians. We must
stop the corruption by science. We do not
stop science, bear in mind. But we stop the
corruption. Christian educators need to be
sharp in order to be able to capture the driving force behind scientific belief
and subdue it under the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our world belongs to God. In the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth. Let God be God and let creation remain
as creation. We worship God only. We do not worship creation no matter how glamorous
it is. Listen people of God, God is one and
he cannot be mocked. Amen!
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