Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Between Two Jesus

11 Now Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor asked him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus said, “You have said so.” 12 But when he was accused by the chief priests and elders, he gave no answer. 13 Then Pilate said to him, “Do you not hear how many things they testify against you?” 14 But he gave him no answer, not even to a single charge, so that the governor was greatly amazed.
15 Now at the feast the governor was accustomed to release for the crowd any one prisoner whom they wanted. 16 And they had then a notorious prisoner called Barabbas. 17 So when they had gathered, Pilate said to them, “Whom do you want me to release for you: Barabbas, or Jesus who is called Christ?” 18 For he knew that it was out of envy that they had delivered him up. 19 Besides, while he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent word to him, “Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for I have suffered much because of him today in a dream.” 20 Now the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus. 21 The governor again said to them, “Which of the two do you want me to release for you?” And they said, “Barabbas.” 22 Pilate said to them, “Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” They all said, “Let him be crucified!” 23 And he said, “Why? What evil has he done?” But they shouted all the more, “Let him be crucified!”
24 So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves.” 25 And all the people answered, “His blood be on us and on our children!” 26 Then he released for them Barabbas, and having scourged Jesus, delivered him to be crucified.
Matthew 27:11-26

After being tried in a district court by the highest district leader, Pontius Pilate, Jesus was actually found not guilty.  Pilate’s wife knew that Jesus was innocent.  She said about having a dream regarding Jesus, and called Him a righteous man.  Even Pilate knew that the religious leaders handed Jesus to him because of envy.   True, by the high priest Jesus was sentenced to death penalty with the accusation of blasphemy just because He admitted that He was the Christ, the Son of God, and that He was the Son of Man (Matthew 26:57-68).  Jesus is indeed the Christ, the Son of God, the Son of Man, Immanuel.  But the leaders of the Jews had already brewed up a plot to kill Jesus (26:3-4).
The religious leaders already wanted to kill Jesus even before there was any trial.  Thus, no matter the result of the trial would be, they just had to find a way to kill Him.  The religious court was actually a joke.  They failed to establish any evidence that could serve as a basis to give Jesus a death sentence.  All the testimonies and accusations could not agree with each other.  That was a clear sign that they cooked up the false accusations and testimonies.  Even when they accused Jesus of blasphemy, they could not mount any evidence against it.  In fact, the evidences in support of Jesus’ claim as the Christ, the Son of God, and the Son of Man, were so many.  Yet because of their motive they ignored the obvious evidences in order to pursue the obscure one.
As they led Jesus to Pilate, the governor too could not find any fault in Him.  Even he questioned the crowd’s cruel desire to crucify Jesus.  And the crowd basically could not answer Pilate’s question “Why?  What evil has he done?  Because there was none.  It was hatred, envy, fear, personal ambition, and also ignorance that came together into an evil force to push their agenda to murder an innocent man.  And He is not a mere man, He is the Creator of the universe.  He is the God of all the world.  He is God incarnate.
Pilate was in a state of panic.  As governor, he had to judge civil matters very often.  Judging was never a difficult matter for him before.  He had done it many times over.  But this one was different.  Immediately after his wife sent him a message to release Jesus, Pilate was stressed out.  He had to use his trump card.  As was custom, during the Passover the governor would release a prisoner or someone charged with a crime.  This was a very important custom because it gave a chance for the innocent to be released in order to avoid governmental mistake of sentencing someone innocent.  So if the people knew that a certain person was actually innocent and he or she was just charged with a crime he/she did not commit because some powerful people had envy over that person or some powerful evil person needed a scapegoat, and so on and so forth, the innocent person could be demanded for release.  And the governor had the power to release the person so demanded.
This method was Pilate’s last resort to release Jesus.  He was hoping that the crowd would come to their senses and then demanded to release Jesus.  Now, I myself believe that Pilate had investigated who and what Jesus did.  I believe that Pilate had heard about Jesus doing miracles and all the good things.  He himself was pretty confident that from among the crowd that day there would be some big numbers of people who would demand for Jesus’ release.  In that way, he could be free both consciously and politically, from sentencing someone he knew for sure to be innocent.  And in that way, he also could release the crowd from the burden of destroying the life of an innocent.  This way the crowd could avoid the wrath of God for condemning someone that spent His entire life doing God’s will.
So, Pilate set it up in such a way that the likelihood of the crowd to choose to release Jesus was big.  Pilate was right!  The crowd indeed chose for Jesus to be released.  The problem was that the Jesus the crowd demanded was a different one.  The crowd chose not the Jesus who quieted the storm, they did not choose the Jesus that fed thousands of people with just two fish and five bread, they also did not choose the Jesus who resurrected someone who had died for four days, they even did not choose the Jesus that had healed their kids, their moms, their dads, their wives, their husbands, their brothers, their sisters, their grandparents, their best friends and more, they did not choose Jesus who threw out demons, and unfortunately they did not choose Jesus who was peaceful and authoritatively taught them the truth.  No!  They chose the criminal Jesus.  They chose the violent Jesus.  They chose the Jesus who was involved in murder and rebellion.  All because they were thirsty for blood, the blood of an innocent man.  So instead of choosing Jesus the Christ who had used His hands to heal others, they chose Jesus Barabbas, the convicted felon who had used his hands to kill others.  And so Jesus Barabbas the guilty was released, whereas Jesus Christ the innocent was condemned on the cross.
The crowd in Jerusalem had to choose between two Jesus in that day.  In the 21st century we too must choose between two Jesus.  The first Jesus is the authentic Jesus whose sacrificial act on the cross to save us from sin and death we are remembering even today.  The first Jesus is the Jesus of the Bible who is God incarnate.  The first Jesus is the Jesus who does not promise an easy life, or material wealth, or physical health, or continuous comfort, or worldly pleasure, or fame, or power, or position, or earthly success.  The first Jesus is the Jesus who desires to transform us into His image and thus frees us from sin.  The first Jesus is the Jesus who says that if we follow Him we will also be hated by the world, because He was hated by the world.  The first Jesus is the Jesus who says that if we follow Him we will suffer in this world just as He suffered.  The first Jesus is the Jesus of heaven.
But today there is a different Jesus being offered to us.  This second Jesus is the fake Jesus who never sacrifices himself for us.  This second Jesus is not the Jesus of the Bible but he is the Jesus imagined by the world.  The second Jesus is the Jesus who promises easy life, material wealth, physical health, continuous comfort, worldly pleasure, fame, power, position, and earthly success.  The second Jesus is the Jesus that wishes not to transform you but just accepts you the way you are and lets you to continue your life of sin.  The second Jesus is the Jesus that if you follow him you will be loved by the world, because he is loved by the world.  The second Jesus is the Jesus that if you follow him you will not suffer anything in this world just as he never suffers anything.  The second Jesus is the Jesus of the world.
The crowd in Jerusalem chose Jesus Barabbas over Jesus Christ.  They chose the second Jesus over the first and authentic Jesus.  What about you today?  Will you choose the first or the second Jesus?  Many Christians today choose the second Jesus.  In their mind, following Jesus must bring them the embrace of the world.  Their heart is set to gain the world.  They’d rather lose the authentic Jesus than losing the riches of the world.  So even if the newly invented Jesus is contrary to the Bible, they do not care.  All they want is the Jesus that they can enslave for their own satisfaction.  And they set up this fake Jesus over the church.  Then they force their pastors to preach in the name of the fake Jesus so they would not be offended, so they would be comforted every time, so they would be allowed to sin all the more, so they could be told they are going to heaven.  The problem is, the second Jesus also uses the name Jesus.
Brothers and sisters, in their wickedness, the Jerusalem crowd sent the innocent Jesus Christ to the cross.  They wanted Jesus the Christ to be dead.  They could not stand Him who was Holy.  They could not stand Him who was the Truth.  They could not stand Him who was the embodiment of the true God.  They had to get rid of Him.  They had to kill the true King because they wanted a different king.  This Jesus Christ they could not manage or control.  They wanted a Jesus they could control.  They wanted a Jesus that would give in to their desire every time.  Much like our era today, isn’t it?  Many Christians today too want a Jesus they can control, who would give in to their desire every time.  But in all those wild shouts to get rid of Him, in all the excuses of the governor Pilate, and in all the evil motive of the religious leaders, Jesus was silent.  He did not say a word.  Brothers and sisters, this is the glory of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Son of Man.
It is not like He could not speak or anything.  He did not even try to defend Himself.  If he would open His mouth to defend Himself, he would definitely persuade the crowd to choose Him.  He was the Wonderful Counselor after all.  He could also have called the angels of heaven to defend Him.  But He did not.  If He did, He would not suffer a thing in the hands of sinful man.  He could have obliterated the entire universe for treating its Creator in such evil way.  He did not even show His glorious glow like what He did on a mountain in front of Peter, James, and John.  He could have called the winds, the waters, the earthquake, and the terror of natural disasters in order to show His power.  He could inflict plagues on the people that shouted to crucify Him, but He did not.  He could do so much more signs and wonders that time and He would escape the death penalty right there on the spot.  But He didn’t.  Why?
He marched to Calvary to be crucified.  The Bible writes that He obeyed the Father even to the point of death (Philippians 2:5-8).  The true King sacrificed Himself so His people would not need to suffer the terrifying wrath of God.  The Son of God died on our behalf so the people whom He has chosen since before the creation of the world, including you and me, and people after us, will live for all eternity with Him.  This is the greatest love of all.  The love of God is so deep and wide and high.  Had he defended Himself, we all would die for all eternity.  Had He called it quit when the people shouted “crucify Him” and when Pilate gave in, we would all be condemned in hell forever.  Brothers and sisters, let me tell you, this is the true Jesus, the first Jesus, the one and only authentic Jesus we should choose.
The world pressures us to choose the fake Jesus, the second Jesus.  But let me tell you today, the second Jesus never lays a finger to help us.  He is not Jesus Christ.  He is a clown borrowing the holy name of Jesus Christ.  With his pretension he has deceived a lot of people even today.  With his deception many Christians have shouted “crucify Him” regarding the authentic Jesus.  The fake Jesus persuades many people today that the authentic Jesus, the true Jesus Christ, will not be compatible with their lifestyles.  Let me tell you that only the true authentic Jesus Christ can defend you before God the Father.  The fake Jesus can’t.  The second Jesus will leave you to yourselves when you have to deal with God face to face.  The second Jesus will leave you to die eternal death.  But the first Jesus will cover over your sins and defend you before the Father, so you will life with Him for all eternity.  Between these two Jesus, which will you choose?
The obvious choice is to choose the authentic Jesus, isn’t it?  In the mind yes!  But in everyday life, many would pragmatically choose the second.  Because following the true Jesus Christ is not easy.  The world will surely hate you when you follow Him.  You will suffer as He suffered, though perhaps not as heavy as He did.  Yet suffering was not everyone’s cup of tea.  To endure suffering requires the strong spirit within.  Some people would endure suffering for a certain cause they really want.  But to endure suffering for the sake of Jesus Christ is at another level altogether.  You don’t see the end with your earthly eyes.  Only the eyes of faith can see it.  Only the authentic love of Christ can endure it.  And many people can’t handle it.  Thus they prefer to abandon the Jesus who is the Christ over the Jesus who is “Barabbas.”  They choose to get rid of the first Jesus over the second Jesus.
As we are in this Lent season, I encourage you to dig deep within your heart of hearts.  See what is actually in your heart.  Do you really realize the true Jesus Christ’ love for you?  Have you truly internalized the true Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for you?  When you have done so, challenge yourselves to choose.  Think about the first Jesus, the authentic Son of God, the Son of Man who died on the cross carrying our sins.  Think about the second Jesus who promises your earthly riches, glory, and comfort.  Between these two Jesus, who will you choose?  You alone must choose in deepest of your soul before God.  Nobody can choose for you.  As for me and my family, I have chosen the first Jesus, Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, the Son of Man, the God incarnate, the Jesus who suffered the wrath of God in order to save us, the Jesus who endured suffering and wanted to transform us into His perfect image.  Yes, suffering in this world for His sake will become our portion, so as the eternal life in heaven with Him and His Father.  And I encourage you to choose the first Jesus, the authentic Jesus, Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, the Son of Man.  Amen!

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