Friday, September 16, 2016

Mixing Heaven and Hell: New Church Model

14 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? 15 What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? 16 What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said,
     “I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them,
and I will be their God,
and they shall be my people.
17   Therefore go out from their midst,
and be separate from them, says the Lord,
     and touch no unclean thing;
then I will welcome you,
18   and I will be a father to you,
and you shall be sons and daughters to me,
     says the Lord Almighty.”

7 Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God.
2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1

           The critical and recurring problem across the testaments is the fact that God’s chosen people often flirt with the world.  In this passage Paul cited from many different Old Testament verses to make a point.  He wanted to point out the desire of the true God in taking up Israel as His own and as His alone, and the fact that actually God’s chosen people belongs to God as children of God that is holy (separate) from the world.  Verse 16 “I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them” is cited from Leviticus 26:12 and Exodus 29:45.  The next clause “and I will be their God, and they shall be my people” is cited from Exodus 6:7, Jeremiah 31:33, and Ezekiel 11:20.  Verse 17 “go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you” is cited from Isaiah 52:11.  Verse 18 “and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.” is cited from Exodus 4:22, 2 Samuel 7:8 & 14, Isaiah 43:6, Jeremiah 31:9, and Hosea 1:10.  This point Paul made aimed at the principle conduct they ought to do as God’s people, in which God’s people ought to separate themselves qualitatively from the world.  This means that God’s people can’t and mustn’t adopt the way of the world. 
Consequently, there should not be compromises made in order to make ways for the lifestyle of the world to be inserted into the church.  By implication, those who continue to embrace worldly life with joy and gladness have no place in the presence of God.  And Christians should not embrace them as brothers and sisters.

          Old habits die hard.  People tend to repeat the old habits almost unconsciously.  The old ways of life are hard to kill.  They linger on.  It’s too sweet for the flesh.  It’s too hard to let go.  The memory of the sweetness of the sin of the flesh tempts the mind to desire to return.  Disciplining oneself to abide by the life of the Kingdom of God meets its biggest challenge when the body we still live in is still affected by the sting of sin and is still prone to give in under the power and pressure of sin.  This is a true test.  One fails the test if he gives in and thus commits sin.  One also fails if she negotiates with sin and finds a compromise, and so she resists some but does some.  One also fails if he chooses the lesser sin as the situation only permits the sinful choices.  The only way one may not fail is when one completely resists sin and thus restrains the self in the mind and body in such a way so that sin is dead to her.  This is extremely difficult.  And living in this body of sin in the sinful world makes it impossible for us to completely resist sin.  But thanks be to God that the righteousness of Christ that is imputed in us is what God the Father counts.  Thus we are perfect in His eyes through Christ Jesus the perfect Son of God.  However, our duty then is to strive for that perfection.  Since truly we are dead to sin ever since we are redeemed in Christ we are to do, within our limitation and according to the grace of God, the proper self-control.  The realization of our being dead to sin takes time.  It is because of our constitution as a creature of habit.  For first we ought to unlearn the old habits.  And this is the hardest part.  The universal truth that Jesus is illustrating in Luke 5:39 is worth reflecting: “39 And no one after drinking old wine desires new, for he says, ‘The old is good.  When the Lord brought the Israelites out of Egypt, they quickly complained to God by referring to their “better” life in Egypt.  The old habits are much sweeter.  They provide familiar territory.  They give feeling of security and safety because they have adjusted to it.  The old habits are often people’s comfort zone.  And the habits took a long time to acquire.  The brain memory, the muscle memory, even the mental disposition has been so attached to the self that they can’t easily be erased, ignored, or put on idle mode.  The reflexes we have always point toward the old things we have acquired.  It is our default system.  Stepping out of our comfort zone would mean losing our sense of safety and security.  Such action requires faith – big one.   Commonly our fear prevents us from stepping out of our comfort zone.  It is the fear of the unknown.  As Israel was brought into the desert that they knew nothing about, since all they knew was life as slaves in Egypt, they resisted God’s leadership.  They preferred to go back to the slavery in Egypt.  That’s how deep their fear of the unknown was that they would rather suffer under slavery than living freely in the unknown.  Their mode of life was not one of faith.  Faith was foreign in their life.  Between knowledge and faith, they chose knowledge.  Old habits truly die hard.

          But exactly this old habit of sin is what we ought to leave.  We are not to associate with those who continue in the practice of sin.  Our being separated by God from the sinful world can only mean that we ought not to defile ourselves again with sins.  Moreover, we should never enjoy association with sin.  Being sanctified by God gives us precedence that our natural life as God’s redeemed can’t accommodate sin anymore.  The tragedy in the Corinthian church was that the church was mingling with the world.  Not that we then live ascetic life on a mountain or desert somewhere away from the world.  That’s not what God has in mind.  Instead, as John 17 and Matthew 28 declare, we are to enter into the world in order to proclaim the gospel and to disciple all nations into the Kingdom of our God.  But what the Corinthian church was doing was not proclaiming the gospel or making disciples of all nations into God’s kingdom.  What they were doing instead was adopting the world’s way of life into the church.  And so they modified the law of God to fit with the world.  The fivefold rhetorical questions Paul asked the Corinthians are to emphasize the fact that God’s church can’t be together with the world.  Paul does not just list one rhetorical question, even though one is supposed to enough.  Not two either.  Two would be more than enough.  Not three either.  Three would be clear, both the meaning of the statement and Paul’s intention are clear.  Not four either surprisingly.  Four would be crystal clear, no doubt whatsoever.  But Paul puts fivefold rhetorical questions in a row.  This means that there is no way, be it on earth or in heaven or in any other possible world, that God’s church can be mixed with the sinful world.  God’s heaven can’t be mixed with hell.  This argument by Paul is one of the strongest he ever writes.  Paul does not give any chance for the Corinthians to twist or to find any loophole in his argument.  He closes by saying that by nature we are different.  That we are the temple of the living God.  In this temple God dwells.  And God doesn’t dwell in the heart of unbelievers.  God doesn’t dwell in the temple of the world.  Satan dwells in the temple of the world.  There is no way we can find God making a truce with Satan.  There is no way God shakes hand peacefully with the devil.  His followers, therefore can’t mix with Satan’s followers either.  The followers of Christ can’t adopt the way of life of the followers of Satan.  They are completely the opposite.  The followers of Christ glorify God.  The followers of Satan mock God.

          The tragedy like in the Corinthian church can be found throughout the history of the church.  And we can see it even more in this 21st century.  We witness today churches adopting the way of the world.  We see with our own eyes today how the so called God’s church practices the world’s teachings.  So God’s church becomes more and more like the world.  Many churches today utilize market analysis in order to “sell” the appropriate “product” to the “customers.”  Even in seminary candidate pastors are now being taught how to do the sociological behavior of the masses.  Churches are now more and more treated as a business company.  It is run as a business.  It is true that there are important knowledge and skills we can take from the business world and apply it in the way we manage the church organizationally, but essentially the church of God is not a business company.  The basic foundation is different.  The church is very different than a business company.  A business company focuses only on profit, that’s its sole aim.  But God’s church cares for the life of the lost, of the sheep of God, of the worship of God, of the praise and the glory of the Holy God of heaven and earth.  Therefore the way church is to be governed is different than the way Apple Inc. is governed for example.  No matter how expert a business director or manager, he/she can’t treat God’s church the same way he/she treats his/her company.  It is a grave mistake to gear up all the church’s departments according to the departments in a business.  In God’s church our “profit” is not money.  It is not even how many members “subscribe” into the church.  It is not the number of attendance for each service and each event.  The “profit” of God’s church is when the lost is called back home, when all nations are being made disciples of Christ, when God is worshiped wholeheartedly, when the way of life of the Kingdom of God influences the world, when God is praised and honored.  And how can all those “profit” be measured?  It is much easier to measure money, number of attendance, or membership subscription.  And so many churches reduce the value of God’s church into the pursuit of money or attendance or membership.  The way the manifest their success is through building a monument.  They allocate big chunk of their budget on the church physical building.  The more luxurious, the bigger, the more high tech, the more refined the building is, the more success they ascribe to themselves.  And once they become the “successful” church, they neglect God’s way altogether.  Anything is then done for the sake of keeping the worldly success.  What once was God’s church, built in the name of the Triune God, now has become a social club, built in the name of the market demand and world trend.

          The fivefold rhetorical questions are strong.  Paul did not mince words.  He did not calmly ask these as if there is no urgency.  No, he asked these questions with the utmost passion:

1.     what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness?
2.     Or what fellowship has light with darkness?
3.     What accord has Christ with Belial?
4.     Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever?
5.     What agreement has the temple of God with idols?

To all those questions the answer is a resounding: No!  Righteousness and lawlessness have no partnership.  Light and darkness have no fellowship.  Christ and Belial have no accord.  Believers and unbelievers have no portion to share.  The temple of God and the temple of idols have no agreement.  Therefore God’s church cannot and must not be equally yoked together with those who do not believe in Christ.  The illustration and image of “yoke” was understood vividly by people of that era.  In the agrarian culture the concept of yoke is taken from the farming method of yoking two animals of the same kind, built, height, strength, speed, in order to till the land.  In order to prepare the land for planting, it must be tilled properly in order to level the soil surface, to get rid of weeds as much as possible, to give proper nutrition to the soil that is needed by the crop to grow, to get rid as much as possible insects, to reduce erosion, and so on.  No one would yoke a cow and a dog together.  No one would yoke a horse and a donkey together.  A cow and a dog are not equal, a horse and a donkey are also not equal, and so they should not be equally yoked.   To force yoking them together would spell disaster.  Because one animal is stronger, bigger, faster, than the other.  The stronger will drag the weaker.  The weaker will slow down the stronger.  The tilling work would be jeopardized.  In the same way, light can’t be yoked equally together with darkness.  It would be absurd to force the yoking.  For when light comes, darkness runs away.  The two cannot share the same yoke.  Christ and the devil cannot be equally yoked together.  It is the most absolute absurdity to do so.  Christ obeys God the Father because He loves the Father, the devil rebels against God because he hates God, how can the two embrace one another.  Righteousness is the opposite of lawlessness, there is no way the two can be combined together.  Obviously those who believe that God exists cannot and will never agree with those who do not believe in the existence of God regarding whether God exists or not.  To equally yoke them would then be absurd.  God’s temple is the place where the true God dwells, but the temple of idols is devoid of the presence of God.  How can the two be put together in the same spot?

          Yet there are churches that compromise the teaching of God with the teaching of the unbelieving world.  Some people would just mix the belief that God exists with the belief that God doesn’t exist in one fancy and complicated argument that would just confuse every sane mind.  Another would mix God’s holiness with unethical conducts of the cunning world and then call themselves smart and wise.  Yet another would exploit the name of God to enslave others especially those who dedicate their life for serving the Lord.  Still another would drive God’s church into becoming an atheistic church following the gradual degradation of the world.  Not to mention those who would dare to pick and choose which Bible verses fit the current trend and throw away those verses that the world frown upon.  There are very many that now would just modify the word of God to fit the demands of the world.  Heaven and hell are mixed.  Many “Christians” now desire to live in heaven, but continue to nurture the practice of the life of hell.  The spirit of postmodernism dominates the mind of a lot of churches today.  When an argument is ambiguous they call it deep.  They cheer when a theologian argues that God created the world and that the world must exist through random happening in a mindless system.  The ambiguity does not bother them anymore.  They do not have any problem with saying ice is cold and hot at the same time.  The world never wishes to compromise their way of life.  But since many Christians are so afraid to be divorced from the world, they rush into compromising their belief.  Because they want to appear acceptable to the world.  Gradually they become more acceptable to the world.  Until one point they have reached a condition which they are one of the world.  The yoke is then equal in that they have changed their essence from believing into unbelieving.  And this is a tragedy.  Because God’s church is given a command to find the lost, to disciple them into becoming believers, and so they would join the rank of those who believe, but instead of doing that they act as if they are lost, and so they learn the way of the world in order to be found and acknowledged by the world, so that they would join the rank of the unbelievers.

          Today hell is unleashed in the church.  The church that is supposed to be a place where people can foretaste the life of heaven is now becoming a place where even the most evil deed can be found.  The saddest moment is when Christians do not think that such practice is bad.  It is worse when they think that such arrangement is Godly.  Jesus has foreseen it and so He warns His disciples:

They will put you out of the synagogues. Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God.  (John 16:2)

Many of the churches today have been taken over by the world.  No longer are they a place of worshiping the One True God, but they now are a place of worshiping the idols of the world.  The compromise is massive.  The coup d’état is happening.  Look around us and we will find that too many churches have shifted allegiance from God to the world.

          One practical example of how the way of the world has infiltrated the life of the church is on how church council makes decision.  God’s church ought to make decisions based on God’s word.  That’s the proper way.  But nowadays the most popular way of making decision in church council is through voting.  Democracy and its politics dominate God’s church.  The word of God is no longer consulted.  God is ignored.  The rule of the game in many churches today is majority rules.  It doesn’t matter whether the decision is against the word of God or not, what matters is that majority wins the decision.  This alone has unleashed all hell in church life and practice.  Some people with strong political aptitude would coax others in order to secure their votes.  Persuasive arguments are being offered in secret meetings, in dark places, in negotiation of benefits and what’s in it for me.  Coming to the council meeting the one with agenda has known that he will win the decision based on the votes he got in the secret meetings.  The word of God has become a relic from the past.  It is abandoned in the dirty corner of the church.  The treasure of heaven is forced to retire while the junk of the world run amok in the church, in council’s decision, in pastoral ministry, in the pulpit, and so on.  And we have not even touched how the sermon is being preached.  Instead of preaching the eternal word of God, too many pastors have thrown away the Scripture under the bed and preach psychology, sociology, science, and all the knowledge of the world so as to keep the worldly people interested.  The demand of the market is to be met as dictated by the business world.  Sure it is the way in the business world and so companies transform itself periodically in order to suit the desire of the world.  And that’s the norm in the business world, and there is nothing wrong with it.  But not in the church.  God’s church may utilize the things in the world, but should never transform itself according to the world’s values and way of life.  Because the church belongs to God.  She does not belong to the world.  She does not belong to the politicians in the church.  God alone builds His church.  And He builds her according to His design and plan.  No one else may redesign it.  No one else may change her blueprint.  Any attempt to do so is unauthorized.  The church belongs to God, and Him alone.

          God’s church is different in nature.  Yes she is called from the world, but she is not of the world.  She is sent back into the world in order to be salt and light of the world.  The operational standard of God’s church follows the footsteps of Christ, the Head of the church.  Against all the values of the world, God’s church stands.  God’s church ought not to worry about attendance even though statistically the Sunday worship service attendance keeps declining.  She won’t resort to any marketing strategy in order to gain back the “sale” from the crowds.  But she keeps preaching the word of God faithfully, counseling people with the wisdom of God’s word, shepherding them with the pastoral discipline and grace modeled by Christ Jesus, and reaching out to the lost by proclaiming God’s justice and love on the cross of Christ.  God’s church does not change the proclamation of God’s word into entertainment in order to satisfy the craving of the entertainment hungry seekers.  God’s church does not modify the worship of God with Broadway opera or Hollywood movie or Rock concert or Magic.  God’s church does not even consider every thought and incorporate them into her theology no matter what.  But God’s church takes every thought captive in order to subdue them to be obedient to Christ.  Any thought that rebels against Christ must never be entertained.  All truth is indeed God’s truth, but not all knowledge corresponds with the truth.  Wisdom is needed to separate between knowledge that corresponds with the truth and the one that does not.  And the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord (cf. Proverbs 1:7).  The knowledge of the world is being screened by the word of God.  If they do not fit God’s word they are thrown away.  This is what should be done.  Unlike what many churches have done today, that is when new knowledge comes, they modify the word of God in order to fit the knowledge of the world.

          The failure of the Israelites to worship the One True God started with the Israelites mingling with the people of the land.  God told Moses specifically to completely annihilate the people of Canaan.

16 But in the cities of these peoples that the Lord your God is giving you for an inheritance, you shall save alive nothing that breathes, 17 but you shall devote them to complete destruction, the Hittites and the Amorites, the Canaanites and the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites, as the Lord your God has commanded, 18 that they may not teach you to do according to all their abominable practices that they have done for their gods, and so you sin against the Lord your God.  (Deuteronomy 20:17)

But they disobeyed God’s order.  Judges 2:1-3 witnesses:

1Now the angel of the Lord went up from Gilgal to Bochim. And he said, “I brought you up from Egypt and brought you into the land that I swore to give to your fathers. I said, ‘I will never break my covenant with you, and you shall make no covenant with the inhabitants of this land; you shall break down their altars.’ But you have not obeyed my voice. What is this you have done? So now I say, I will not drive them out before you, but they shall become thorns in your sides, and their gods shall be a snare to you.”

What Israel did then, many Churches do today.  The point is not the physical interaction, but it is the learning of the world’s way of life.  The mingling has blurred the vision of many Churches.  Very quickly Israel lost their faithfulness to the Lord.  In one generation, soon after Joshua and all elders in the time of Joshua died, Israel no longer worshiped the Lord.

And Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died at the age of 110 years. And they buried him within the boundaries of his inheritance in Timnath-heres, in the hill country of Ephraim, north of the mountain of Gaash. 10 And all that generation also were gathered to their fathers. And there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord or the work that he had done for Israel.  11 And the people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and served the Baals. 12 And they abandoned the Lord, the God of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of Egypt. They went after other gods, from among the gods of the peoples who were around them, and bowed down to them. And they provoked the Lord to anger. 13 They abandoned the Lord and served the Baals and the Ashtaroth.  (Judges 2:8-13)

Today we witness something similar.  The worship of God is abandoned.  God is no longer honored.  The heart of these churches belongs to the gods of this world.  And in the name of the Lord they worship idols.  And in the name of the Lord they lead people astray.  In the name of the Lord they mix heaven and hell.  And whoever stands in their way would be persecuted in the name of the Lord.  Until they are no different than any secular organization in the world.  Then their light is snuffed out and their salt is no longer salty.  On earth they have great power, wealth, and influence.  But soon they will regret whatever they have done.  But when they do it would be too late.  Because it happens when God comes back to judge the whole world.  May this be a reminder to God’s church today not to mix heaven and hell.

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